Valgerður Sigurðardóttir and Clara Spilliaert at Stedelijk Museum, Aarschot (BE)

Valgerður Sigurðardóttir is part of the group exhibition 'Looking for Clues' at Stedelijk Museum Aarschot. Looking for Clues is a multidisciplinary exhibition focusing on five upcoming artists who where born in Belgium or who chose to develop their artistic practice in Belgium: Louise Delanghe (1994), Joke Derycke (1991), Thomas Renwart (1995), Valgerdur Sigurdardottir (1992), Clara Spilliaert (1993).


The exhibition will be on view 3 March - 26 May, 2024.


Opening: 3 March, 3pm

With talk by Koen Leemans (curator) and Isabelle Dehond (alderwoman of culture).


More info here

Feb 15, 2024