We are very pleased to announce that Valgerður Sigurðardóttir (1992, Reykjavik, Iceland) has joined the gallery. Valgerður, ‘Vala’ in short, received her Master’s degree in Sculpture at KASK, Ghent in 2018 and is the co-founder of ABC Klubhuis, an Icelandic artist-run initiative in Antwerp. She took part in numerous group exhibitions in Reykjavik, Oslo, Ghent, Antwerp, Romania, …
Vala makes heavy, concrete and tiled pieces that beautifully emphasise the gravity of the everyday. She makes everything from scratch with materials typically used to build houses, a reference to the architectural, concrete design of our lives, a reference to our being-in-the-world.
Contrary to the materials she uses, Vala’s works are very light-hearted. In a child-like, seemingly naive way she portrays the extremely quotidian and ordinary to the point of the absurd. Little scenes of people at the dinner table, a woman on the toilet reading a newspaper, someone entering the room… and nothing more.
May 26, 2019