KETELEER GALLERY is very pleased to present a new Group Exhibition, showcasing new and recent works by all its artists. With this exhibition, the gallery wants to offer all its artists a rightful place in the spotlight during these trying times while setting the tone fpr the years ahead.
Press release
The gallery’s most recent venture of taking on the continuation of @deweer_gallery ‘s artists, was a conscious step towards a new, even more international future. The now 28 artists, representing 10 different countries, all bring their own story, background and perspective to the table. Realizing the invaluable potentials of this and in keeping with its familial character, the gallery is set up as a meeting ground, a place for (visual) conversation engaging a multitude of opinions, styles and characters, allowing for a continuously evolving storyline, inspiring to both the audience and the artists.

The exhibition opens on 13 and 14 June from 12 – 6pm. Please book your preferred time slot via our website. Reservations are not mandatory, but ill be given priority. Per time slot we can only allow 25 people in the gallery at a time.

The opening weekend will be divided into time slots between 2 – 8 pm on Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th of June, allowing access to a limited number of people.
You can book your preferred time through the website.
Installation Views