Guy Van Bossche Belgium, b. 1952


Guy Van Bossche is a remarkable artist who has made a significant impact on Belgian painting since the early 1980s. His body of work, based on both existing and self-conceived imagery, is characterized by a critical and profound exploration of the human condition. Van Bossche describes his work as an ongoing investigation into "the qualities of discomfort." In his artistic practice, he questions our place within a changing world, exploring and reshaping themes such as violence, mental cruelty, censorship, freedom, power, identity, and temporality through the lens of painting.


A distinctive aspect of Van Bossche's work is the influence of photography. His paintings reveal a fascination with framing, cropping, and close-ups. Starting from photography, he reduces a three-dimensional scene to a flat constellation, consciously liberating the painterly act from the restrictive task of reproduction. By employing unusual framing of seemingly banal subjects, such as interiors and swimming pools, he uncovers hidden layers of meaning. This approach lends a cinematic, surreal quality to relatively innocent scenes. The muted colors and dramatic use of light contribute to a restrained painting style, amplifying the sense of estrangement and unease conveyed by his works.


Central to his work are the iconographic issues it raises. His paintings remind us that pictorial representation is crucial because sensory experience undermines any direct understanding of a scene as realistic. His work compels us into a world of meaning that bends both technique and subject to its own logic. Van Bossche often omits the most defining parts of his paintings, creating an enigmatic ambiguity. He erases the superfluous narrative context, frequently stripping the images of characters and details or placing them entirely out of their original context. Remarkably, with the sparse information left in the paintings, Van Bossche initiates a process of tension and alienation, transforming familiar images into something intriguing and unsettling. This approach creates a sense of timelessness and uneasiness, imbuing the depicted scenes with a deep resonance from which personal associations and complex meanings can emerge.


His paintings embody a certain detachment and an analytical view of reality where uncomfortable truths lurk behind the façade of everyday existence. They serve as instruments for reflection and introspection, inviting the viewer to peel away layers of meaning and discover a multifaceted reality.


Guy Van Bossche had, among others, major soloshows at M HKA – Antwerp, Centro de Arte – Salamanca and De Garage – Mechelen. The artist is represented in museum collections such as S.M.A.K. – Ghent, M HKA – Antwerp and MU.ZEE – Ostend.

The first solo exhibition by Guy Van Bossche with the gallery will be presented in January, 2025.